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This section is an opportunity to discuss the search, the quest, the purchase of old clothes that are worth it, these clothes that some call "Nuggets", verbiage from mining activities at the beginning of the last century, so this second-hand , this clothes on which we can pompously affix this imaginary "Label" of VINTAGE!!!!
Little Octopus Vintage is the result of fifteen years of maturation, research, antiquarianism, curiosity around second-hand clothing. Today, the second-hand market is fashionable, in tune with the times....A little too much perhaps!!! Slow Fashion versus Fast Fashion according to Dana Thomas in her excellent FASHIONOPOLIS. But we will come back to this in another section. Just to finish on this, from the moment we start talking about the Market, it is because motivations at the antipodes of the Beautiful and the Good have taken the bandwagon and will only leave it when it no longer has nothing to give.
What makes second-hand jeans different from second-hand jeans? Nothing for the rest.
Well yes! In any case in the minds of the most fashionably sharp among us.
33 02 40 20 31 78
7 Madeleine Causeway
44000 Nantes